Showing posts with label Gwenpool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gwenpool. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

POP: Gwenpool

Another POP to add into the fray! And yes, this is the Unbelievable Gwenpool joining the gang of POPs I have collected. Let's just go ahead and check her out.

As standard as they come. Nothing in the back to list who else is in her wave; maybe she is a special edition of some sort. Who knows.

Her costume design is a Deadpool homage, obviously. And she has a backstory as to WHY her legs are showing off like that. And NO, it's not pure fan service according to her. Love the details on this POP though, fan service or not.

That droop on her mask is always a hilarious addition.

And as always, love the fact that POP is really getting in touch with the character poses rather than the dull 'stand there' all POPs used to have.

Not much else to say. Honestly, this is my first Gwenpool figure! Not the last, that's for sure.