Friday, February 10, 2017

Figma: Samus Aran (Zero Suit) "Other M"

When was the last time I posted something about Samus from Metroid? Never, right? Well, never that's for sure. It's because I'm not a big Samus fan. I barely know anything about her. So why get a Figma of her? Because when I saw it on BBTS's website, she looked damn good and does she fit the impulse preorder buy? Let's find out.

No doubt about it, Figma simplified the designs of their boxes for the sake of... well, simplicity. I am not against it since boxes don't do that much for me. They are pretty awesome still and I will always appreciate the small snippets of what the figure could do with the prototype pics of the product throughout the box.

Now while I am not a big time knowledgeable fan of Samus, I do know a little bit to get me through the basics. This figure version of her is called "Zero Suit"; it states that she ... well, as 'awesome' as that title states, it's just saying that she doesn't have her Suit; her REAL suit. Her armor. This is pretty much her 'lining' inside; it reminds me of Tony Stark's gold 'skin suit' that allows his armor to function with his body. Translate it to a figure, and we get this nice metallic blue that is peppered with dark blues here and there. It's a pretty clean paint all throughout; the pink logo that appears on her back and left hand are nicely done as well. We'll talk about the only skin tone here in a bit when we review the face.

Her mold is as standard as Figma can when it's a 'naked body' Figma mold can go. I will point out that she is tiny and she feels smaller than my other Figmas. My gripe about her just mold wise is that when you make her stand in certain vanilla poses, her neck seems to hunch over making her awkward here and there. Also, they did skip out on something that could have made her more vibrant and different: those bright yellow shoes. Oh well.

Standard Figma accessories: stand, bag, alternate faces, alternate hands, hand holders, and an accessory that is true to the character; for Samus' case, her gun--a holstered and unholstered version. She has her alternate head, which we will talk about here.

We get a 'stern' face and a 'happier' face. They're not dynamic enough to garner praise or bad to make me criticize it. It just feels mediocre, but she's pretty enough. I like the hair; it's barely articulated, but it does nicely. Her skin colors and other paints are clean on both faces sculpt that I can't complain. Speaking of alternate faces, we have her other head which has Samus sporting her shorter hair(a look I wasn't even aware existed until this figure came out).

It's a nice variant, but it's one I won't be displaying her with. I don't know enough about Samus and what I do know about her or when I do know about her, it's when she has the long hair. Though the head piece is a nice touch.

As for articulation, we'll just get right into the idea that she does her role well. It's what we expect out of Figma, anyways so I wasn't too worried. There will be some weird areas here and there and because of the aesthetics that they tried to adhere to, some of Samus' movements are limited and it's hard to get that dynamic pose that you would expect from this character. Still, there was more than enough to sate some good action shots.

And while some of her accessories might prove to be nostalgic or 'homage' for die-hard Samus fans, they just seem to be there just to be there for me. 

I had lots of fun posing here around, needless to say. I do wish that she got some firing effects or an angrier face. She is lacking some really good emotions, but maybe Samus really doesn't show emotion. I don't know. 

In the end, she is a pretty cool figure. For a Figma, it feels like it's missing a few thing but I won't say she is a bad figure but since I have no real connection to the character, I'll give her a B- in fun factor. Just not based on character knowledge or love, Samus does fall short on accessories, lacking some alternate faces, and Figma feels like they palyed it safe--simple. But what came out, came out nice and what they tried to do turned out awesome. I recommend her, for sure. 


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