Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Masterless and Rage

Let's be honest, in all the circumstances we have had before, we have always been talking about me. My disdains... my worries and plight. Nowadays the gamut of the problem is far worse. Far more demanding. And at the end of the day, we can both say that the armor, the one that has sustained our life style, our means, our foundations... it's cracked. Distorted. Broken. So here we are, glaring at the ones that (according to you) "supposedly" stood by our side. Supposedly did very little to accommodate their words. Here we are in front of another bridge, another fork in the road. What do we do from here? Do we keep asking the questions? Do we keep fighting the fight that at times seems feels like it was meant to lose? Do we keep enduring, keep guiding, keep holding on to the sentiments that at times feels one sided?

They don't know how to fight, you know. One has words, but often can't truly know the weight of it. The other has tools and knows not how to use them.

I know. They're imperfect. Like you and me. Like me. They are... irrefutably incompetent at times and it's frustrating.

It's annoying.

It drives me to rage. You know that.


So what do we do? Do we become something that we are not? You say we... you were meant to be something of a far cry from this. Something that would have rid the roads ahead of us and rectified the path we took in the past.

I'm more than inclined to believe so.

At times, as was I.


Our foundations are broken. It needs mending. And throughout the whole thing, I don't believe that "this" was the reason for any of it. 

You're talking differently.

I'm talking from experience. I can't abate the fact that they are as they are. Inept as they can be. Flawed as you and me. But they can't suffer because of what disdains are coming from the other side of our broken walls. They can suffer the avalanche like we have. They don't deserve that. You have to fight your battles. But sometimes, not every aspect is a fight, you know? 

I suppose the most irritating thing is that they claim to want to help, and maybe their intentions are, but in the end, they do nothing because they CHOOSE not to do nothing. Saying and doing are two different things.

Isn't that something we are guilty of though? As I said, they are incompetent, ignorant, and inept, but at the end of the day, at times so are we. 

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