Monday, August 17, 2015

Damsel of the Month:

Name: Juri Han

Series: Street Fighter IV(and so on) and animes

Some Words: Well, here's the virgo of 2015! The sadistic and lethal femme fatale of S.I.N. herself! The moment Juri entered the realm of the Street Fighter world, I fell in lust with her look, her demeanor, attitude, and her fighting style/prowess. Her entrance in the SF IV made it quite clear that she would be Chun Li's and Cammy's rival which is great! The femme fatales of SF will finally meet another like them, but deadlier and far more .... provocative.

Juri loves to hurt her victims. In fact, it turns her on and she isn't really shy about showing just how aroused she is when she inflicts pain. Needless to say, it is quite fitting that she gets to be a virgo damsel this August! Bad girls are sometimes the best damsel because they are always used to be on the giver rather than the receiver! Well, suffice to say, there are a few fans out there who think that the likes of Juri deserves her share of being the one in distress.

Now as much as I love this feisty fighter, I'm not 100% sure on what is her deal. Aside from being a skilled tae-kwon-do fighter, Juri posses cybernetic enhancement; her left eye usually signifies the Feng Shui Engine, which means she is ready to wreak havoc as it glows and then .... there she goes. Juri also has a thing against Shadaloo, and it often brings her to clash with M.Bison himself! Or other fighters... and of course according to LOZ, she gets tied up with other fighters who sort of have the same motive as her but with slightly different style of dealing with things.

Always been a big fan of LOZ's style! Look, he even made sure to render Juri helpless by taping her hands to the point of uselessness! I bet Viper isn't spared that treatment. Oh, speaking of LOZ's style:

Her attitude of being completely 'the one on top' definitely gives her the incentive to be the squirmer when in bonds!

If you take a gander at wikipedia for Juri's bio, the words sultry and sex-crazed apparently fits her, and anyone who has played SF IV knows that just those three words alone definitely describes Juri! Battle is something that sates her thrill and I wouldn't be surprised if she gets wet every time her opponent groans from her feet hitting their face. Well, that makes her duress even more satisfying since a person who exudes so much pleasure in beating their opponents must be that much more degraded when she is unable to satisfy her own needs because she is rendered helpless!

Here's another thought! What if the seductive femme fatale finds herself in the mercy of her ownself? Erickson gave us a treat with that idea with this picture:

Juri vs Juri

And just to finish this scene:

Seems Juri is in dire need of some swimming attire if she is to be put in peril by herself:

So I don't usually do this in a Damsel's month to shine, but I do want to show some of Juri's more... dominant side in the courtesy of Reptileye:

With the enhancement that she received and the fact that she is very well skilled in her martial arts, it's no wonder many fighters go down on her account. I mean, even Chun Li and Cammy have a hard enough time with her as it is:

And apparently even in bondage, Juri is a handful!

Darkchaosblack(more variants at his page)
And just like any of the SF characters/gals, they all come with variant costumes/colors to mix things up when fighting in the streets. Juri has several and a few of them are quite cool. I never did play after SF IV(all the Turbos, Ultra/or whatever versions after Juri's first appearance) so I suppose I missed out on some of Juri's outfits. I did use her original 'spider' attire a lot along with her 'casual' Juri one:

Needless to say, I had to get her commissioned in the outfit after she won my Damsel Poll MK II

As always, my friend does amazing work with the commissions. Juri looks so casual and helpless! With all that said, I'm pretty sure that Juri will be next in my fanfics! Imagine, a struggling, furious, and helpless fighter who just happens to be as sexy and devious as Juri Han!

Maybe she even loves bondage! Maybe 'play' with me requires to tie her up nice and tight and put something humiliating in her mouth to gag her? Right? So with that said, Juri Han would have eventually ended up in this list because of the fact that she has gained a bit of popularity and one can see that she has a following in the DiD community. But she did win the poll and maybe the third poll installment can help usher the next damsel in distress that is in your liking, right?

Here vote: Damsel Poll III

At any rate, Juri, thanks for all your distress, duress, disdain, and all your mmmpphhh'ing and struggling! Don't you fret, I'll be able to write you into more of them some time! So September? Whose up to bat?

Found it on Pinterest

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