Tuesday, December 17, 2013


One plants the seed and stands back oblivious of it as it grows into a dangerous and lethal concoction; faced with the crimes, this one claims innocence.

Another is filled with jealousy; a relentless need to always perform travesty and cross the lines no matter what.

The other is the biggest fallacy; a coward that runs when faced with evidence of crimes and atrocious acts. The testament of pure and utter betrayal; the definitive of cruelty and cold.

The last is too careless. Reckless. Fighting for selfish pain that wasn't even meant to be hers. Guile and easily cajoled into idea that 'everything's going to be alright' as long as one gives it her all.

This is the story of what is infamously considered as a 'short story with a tragic ending'. Tragedy easily pervading in every epilogues because the one who was reckless fell too easily in the notion that the others will 'fight' with her ideals. And while she fought vehemently, the others deviated destruction that is inextricable and far too much of a juggernaut. She may have been volatile and sometimes a bit filled with rage, but as a main player, she did her role well. She was the best, and for that she is tarnished by the others.The seed grew, jealousy became fervent, and betrayal struck from the back with a dagger of malice and lies…. and the stories were told. Unfinished, but her story was told to those who aren't good enough… to ones she considered as 'friends'.

Strangers would've been the better audience when stories are being told. To have no connection, no rapport that could just be as false as the story told above… I could give less care if the people are all just faces in the crowd… At least in the end, they won't have an incentive to use a dagger so vehemently.

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