Tuesday, August 27, 2013


"There you stand seething with guilt silence only justifies this act of cowardice. The "look" stapled on your face cries out for forgiveness. The ONE thing that I CANNOT give....

... This is your freedom in your life of Fallacy. With no last kiss and no regrets. You DON'T deserve Good Bye." 

Because You lied, I had to scrutinize. Because you got called out for the lack of honor, I had to feel the pain of your betrayal. Because you didn't have the courage to face the consequences, I had to feel and suffer uncertainty.

Now here we are and because I'm "ME", I HAVE to forgive now. I HAVE to give grace.

But what if my Rage IS LOGIC in this?

What if 'she' really was the one that got it right and I'm the one who is just lingering on an archaic notion of honor and friendship.

What if THIS is just a Short Story with A Tragic Ending?

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