Sunday, August 26, 2012


There are times in your life when certain amazing things are stripped from you; for a time... however long... or perhaps even forever.

Sometimes I hate how life tends to weave things. While in the overall picture I have very little to none to complain about, there are however things that I can't say are minuscule, but became part of me that seems to be succumbed to seldom and close to never...

Again perhaps I am here again just screaming confessions at the insipid sky parting clouds; or perhaps it has been buried so long ago that I'm not even talking to ghosts anymore.

Or maybe I'm just talking to the apparition of me...

Regardless. Sometimes I wish it was what it was not it is what it is now.

Because I still think that despite everything, it was still the best that was offered to me in regards to this 'Fiction we live'.

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