Friday, June 8, 2012

Why Lolipop Chainsaw?

So there comes a game once in a while that strictly stays to the main gun of fan service. What genre of fan service do we speak of? Well, I can delve into a lot of avenues as we speak but since this post is about Lolipop Chainsaw, well! It doesn't take a very intuitive perception, no deep analysis, or even a comprehensive thought process to know that the fan service in this is falls on Zombie slaying, the cheerleading fetish, and of course the hack and slash mindless hours of gaming!

Cheerleader Juliet stuck in a highschool with zombies. Her chainsaw and her cheerleading skills (What?!) are the means for her to survive the hordes and hordes of undead pirating her fellow classmates and ruining her prom!  Story doesn't sound that great but hey, beggars can't be choosers! So to make it simple, let me list some of the reasons WHY I am getting this game in a few days:

1.) Sensual, hack and slash, kill the undead deal.

2.) The voice in english is no other than Tara Strong AKA Rikku!

3.) Highschool of the Dead outfits!

4.) Hott!

So while I wait patiently for Dawnguard DLC in a month and half, I'll be playing this!

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